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MOTILES, S. A. is a Honduran firm developed by three American expatriates to develop business projects in Central America. MOTILES is setting up a used clothing and shoes warehouse in Honduras to serve Central American markets. Our warehouse for used clothing and shoes is found in florida. MOTILES is presently developing a mountain adventure resort as a limited partnership, a soccer complex and a mountain biking projects. Projects include a kenaf plantation and cut flower contract growing projects. You are invited to participate in the development of Central America as a nearshore vacation site for Americans and European as well as Asian tourists and retirees as well as investors. Honduras is a only 2. 5 hours from Miami or Houston, closer than many cities within the USA. The cool temperate mountaints of Intibuca are perfect for development and retirement. Motiles offers these services: Land Search2. Title Search3. Attorney To Handle Transaction So You Get Clear Title4. Support in P... [Details]